Thursday, December 13, 2012

Michigan union violence; Soldiers told to make no derogatory remarks against Taliban or pedophilia; We give more tanks to Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, and more

White House spokesman Jay Carney declined to condemn the increasing violence and threats by union members in Michigan, merely telling reporters Tuesday that “the president believes in debate that’s civil.”
When asked by a reporter about a claim by Michigan state Democrat that “there will be blood” should Republicans pass a union-choice law in Michigan, Carney professed ignorance and then downplayed the comment.
The following video was taken by Trucker Randy and will show you how wonderful the union thugs are, always ready for a good debate on issues....-

On Tuesday, Lansing Mayor Virg Bernero declared his love for a mob occupying a building across the street from where he was speaking. Only a few hundred yards away and less than half an hour before his remarks, a mob had destroyed an Americans For Prosperity tent with people inside.

The mayor told the crowd:
Welcome to Lansing! We are proud to have you here in our city. We welcome you with open arms. And I have to tell you my friends, my brothers and sisters, as ashamed as I am of what happened in that building [the Michigan Capitol], I am proud of you.
Just because they’ll cut your head off with a dull knife is no reason to be so negative:
Here is a strong indicator that the Obama Administration’s crusade to appease Islam has gone too far; a  new U.S. military handbook for troops deployed to the Middle East orders soldiers not to make derogatory comments about the Taliban or criticize pedophilia, among other outrageous things.
It gets better; the new manual, which is around 75 pages, suggests that Western ignorance of Afghan culture— not Taliban infiltration—is responsible for the increase in deadly attacks by Afghan soldiers against the coalition forces. -

More tanks for Egypt this year than the entire Marine Corps has…
For the new Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood dominated government, the Obama Administration is ensuring another $1.3 billion annual shipment of state-of-the-art weaponry.
As reported by The Washington Times, despite Egypt’s new president Mohammed Morsi being a member of the terrorist related Muslim Brotherhood, the money and arms pipeline from Washington to Cairo will remain open and flowing.
Read more:
Pentagon is betting big on a real life invisibility cloak for American soldiers, according to recent reports.
Hyperstealth Biotechnology Corp, a Canadian company known for its innovative camo technology, is attempting to revolutionize the battlefield by providing true invisibility for soldiers. The special material being used is know as Quantum Stealth. The pictures posted on the company’s website of the fabric, which apparently bends light to create the effect, look as though they are straight out of a Harry Potter movie:
Government eyes crippling climate-control measuresThe U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is ready to unleash its first wave of carbon-dioxide regulations. Some members of Congress want to tax hydrocarbon use and carbon-dioxide emissions. Moreover, United Nations climate alarmists are trying to devise a new treaty to regulate energy use at the international level. Even one of these government actions would send shock waves through the economy. If all three are imposed (or worse, imposed in conjunction with Obamacare and other tax increases on job and wealth creators) the impacts will be devastating. This climate crisis threatens our energy use, economy, jobs.
Our planet’s climate has never been stable and never will be. Despite rising carbon-dioxide levels, average global temperatures have not risen for 16 years. There is no empirical evidence to support assertions and computer models that claim carbon dioxide drives climate change or to suggest that greenhouse gases have supplanted the complex natural forces that have produced big and little ice ages, floods and droughts, and stormy and quiescent periods throughout Earth’s history.
Read more: 

A French teacher has been suspended for asking his class of 13-year olds to write their own suicide note, sparking a row over whether the task was shockingly inappropriate or instructive.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ In a huge win for gun-rights groups, a divided federal appeals court in Chicago Tuesday tossed the state’s ban on carrying concealed weapons and gave Illinois’ Legislature 180 days to craft a law legalizing concealed carry. “The debate is over. We won. 


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