Saturday, March 17, 2012

Agenda 21 in ten easy steps - my Boyne City Gazette column; Reflections on Presidential speech

1)       In 1974 the UN called for establishment of a new international economic order calling for regulation of multi-national corporations and nationalization of foreign property, saying that governments should control the economy.
2)       In 1976 the UN Conference on Human Settlements declared: as private land ownership is seen as the principle instrument of the accumulation and concentration of wealth, it contributes to social injustice.  United States signers were our Secretary of HUD, the Conservation Foundation and the EPA.
3)       In 1987 the UN held a World Commission on Environment and Development to work toward “Sustainable Development”, “our common future”.  This commission was chaired by the Vice-Chairman of the World Socialist Party.   Sustainable Development was meant to enable “proper balance between social equity, the environment and economic development.”
4)      In 1992 AGENDA 21 was introduced at the Conference on Environmental Development as a “crucial way to achieving a sustainable world.”  President George H.W. Bush was a signatory to the Rio Accords and a Biodiversity Treaty, Agenda 21, but the treaty was never voted on or ratified by our Congress once they saw the Proposed Development of the Wildlands Map suggested for America.  Little or no human use was allowed, with the rest of the land to be highly regulated.  It included a 200 mile wide international zone of cooperation along our Mexican border.  The government would control most of the land in America. For more info go to
5)      In 1993 President Bill Clinton wrote an Executive Order creating the President’s Council on Sustainable Development, to translate recommendations from the UN AGENDA 21 into our Federal policy.  Since he couldn’t get the vote of Congress, he decided to dictate to America instead. In the 1990’s government continually expanded control over more and more American land and its use.  In 1997 government owned 1/3 of all American lands while state and local government owned 10% more.  The Feds designated 43 million acres to be “roadless areas”, and land trusts were made for acquiring ever more private property.
6)       In the 1990’s “visioning projects” such as “Your town USA” became the favorite plan of action.  Those who would stand to gain financially were put on “visioning” committees, thereby almost insuring the plan to be developed and mandated.  Their term “New Consensus” equals an absence of expressed opposition, not approval of their agenda.
7)      The EPA and its Smart Growth Network, along with non-governmental organizations like the Sierra Club and the Conservation Fund got involved, building a “sustainable community”.  Over 1200 American cities have already signed on to “smart growth”.  It is being taught in most U.S. schools and colleges.  The indoctrination continues apace.
8)      President Obama by Executive Order #13575 established the White House Rural Council, with the stated intention of seizing greater power over food, fiber and energy, and the extension of “sustainability”. One proposed regulation would force agriculture companies to post all of their business transactions on the USDA website and to justify all deviations from the market price, invading privacy and opening the door for lawsuits against that company.  Trial lawyers will be smiling.  The Rural Council requires 24 new Department heads plus “any others the President may deem necessary”.  This promotes full government employment, more Democrat voters in unions, and dues going to Democrat candidates.  See how that works?
9)      The three tenets of sustainability are environment, economy and equity.  The UN blueprint states that high meat intake, use of fossil fuels, appliances, air-conditioners and suburban homes need to be “reined in”. 
10)  ICLEI =International Committee for Local Environmental Initiatives, believing that Individual rights must take a back seat to the “collective”. 
Buzzwords will become part of your vocabulary, and they all sound so good: sustainable communities, land trusts, roadless areas, and a balance between social equity and environmental development.   Who could argue with “smart growth”, “biodiversity” and “visioning?”  It has lead to the designation of areas not to be drilled into, not to be logged, and not to be disturbed.  Obama’s Administration has proposed 219 “economically significant regulations”.  Propaganda techniques of marginalizing the opposition are employed as usual.  I will be writing about why progressives and conservatives alike are taking notice.  Our servants have become our masters.  
I just listened to a tape of one of Barack Hussein Obama's recent speeches about the price of gasoline and his efforts to drill for more oil [that would be at a 9 year low, as oil production is only increasing in the private sector or with permits provided by the Bush Administration.]  In point of fact this President was and may still be in Contempt of Court over not allowing new permits.  In stating that we have only 2% of the Earth's oil while using 20%, he lied.  We have about 60 times the amount of oil that he references, enough for at least 200 years.  He will just not let us go and get it.  His policies keep us  dependent on our enemies for our oil. Thinking of himself as quite the comedian he said, “I want this Congress to stop the giveaways to an oil industry that’s never been more profitable."  This is a total distortion, as the oil companies make only 6.7% profit on their sale of oil, ranking #114 out of 215 industries.  Millions of Americans are invested in the industry and depend upon the dividends paid, including even the middle class who hold pensions, 401(ks) or IRAs.    In a totally condescending way, Obama laughingly said, "We're drilling all over this country. I guess there's some empty spots where we're not drilling. We're not at the national mall. We're not drilling at your house."  He is laughing at conservatives, making them out to be beyond his need to be civil.  He believes himself to be our national comedian.  I am continually embarrassed by the un-Presidential ways and doings of this man, aren't you? 

Friday, March 16, 2012

Rev. Wright supports Global March to Jerusalem; Obamacare might cause 20 million to lose employer-provided coverage; Missouri business sues over Obamacare mandate; US to be judged by Cuba, China, Congo, Saudi Arabia; 60% of doctors pan Obamacare; Obamacare forces all to pay an abortion premium; White House seeks punishment for our use of free speech; Media Matters had Rush stategy in place, and visits White House weekly; 57% support mandate exemption; Orlando to stop using TSA; Food stamp fraud in MI; Iran threatens America's very existance;

Free Beacon reports: President Obama’s longtime spiritual leader, Rev. Jeremiah Wright, has endorsed a controversial anti-Israel group that seeks to delegitimize Jewish historical connections to the city of Jerusalem.
Wright, a controversial religious figure who served as Obama’s pastor for nearly 20 years, has thrown his support behind a movement called the Global March to Jerusalem, an anti-Israel protest movement that seeks “freedom for Jerusalem and its people and to put an end to the Apartheid, ethnic cleansing and Judaisation policies affecting the people, land and sanctity of Jerusalem.”
Like other efforts to illegally penetrate Israel’s sovereign territory, the activists seek to disrupt Israeli security and provoke a bloody conflict.
The White House has not commented on Wright’s endorsement.
The Hill reports: As many as 20 million Americans could lose their employer-provided coverage because of President Obama's healthcare reform law, the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office said in a new report Thursday.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CNS News reports: A conservative civil rights group has filed a first-of-its-kind federal lawsuit against the Department of Health and Human Services on behalf of a Missouri business owner who says the HHS contraceptive mandate violates his constitutionally-protected religious
The Gateway Pundit reports: The United Nations Human Rights Council will investigate US voter ID laws. The issue was brought to the council by the NAACP. The UNHRC includes member states Cuba, China, Indonesia, Congo and Saudi Arabia.
Poor Richard’s News reported on this from FOX News:
The United Nations Human Rights Council is investigating the issue of American election laws at its gathering on minority rights in Geneva, Switzerland.. This, despite the fact that some members of the council have only in the past several years allowed women to vote, and one member, Saudi Arabia, still bars women from the voting booth completely.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ reports: The American public doesn’t support Obamacare, and a new survey shows that doctors have an even worse opinion. No one has a better grasp on the state of the health care system than physicians, and according to the Doctors Company survey, 60 percent of them believe that Obamacare will have a negative impact on overall patient care. This survey is consistent with the findings of another doctor survey taken in October 2010, which also showed doctors’ lack of confidence in Obamacare.

Not only do doctors believe that Obamacare will not improve the health care system, they also anticipate that it will worsen the current condition. According to the survey, nine out of 10 physicians are unwilling to recommend health care as a profession to a family member, and one primary care physician even commented, “I would not recommend becoming an M.D. to anyone.”  [Well that ought to help in our possible need to insure 30 million more people!  There is the Law of Unintended Consequences once again.]
The New American writes:  The controversial “individual mandate” in the ObamaCare health diktat, which requires Americans to buy health insurance or face a hefty fine, also requires something else: The insured party, thanks to a finalized version of the mandate, must pay a $1 premium to fund abortions. [I'm sure that Michigan's former Representative Bart Stupak, who refused to meet with me and other constituents who went to D.C. from all over America the week of the vote is simply shocked that this could be so!  He was promised, don't you know.]
Grassfire reports: The official White House web site is hosting a petition calling for Rush Limbaugh's radio show to be banned from Armed Forces Radio -- the radio network that reaches America's military worldwide. The petition claims "a moral objection to our tax dollars being used for such a purpose." This is part of the Left's attack campaign against conservatives. They want to censor the only conservative voice on the AFR weekday lineup which includes liberal activst Ed Schultz. [It is chilling to see our very White House attempting to "punish" any American for words protected by our right to free speech.  Now it is Rush, tomorrow who knows?]
Commentary Magazine adds: Legal Insurrection’s William Jacobson connects the dots on the story most of the media missed: that the entire Limbaugh boycott was pure, undistilled Astroturf.
The secondary boycott of Rush Limbaugh advertisers is portrayed in the media as a reaction to a groundswell of public outrage.  In fact, the secondary boycott was initiated by and driven by Media Matters, which had a “Stop Limbaugh” campaign on the shelf waiting to be used, and was executed by Angelo Carusone, Director of Online Strategy for Media Matters.
Tucker Carlson recently reported that Media Matters representatives have weekly meetings with the White House, and the activist group is in close contact with the administration.

Infowars reports: One of America’s busiest airports, Orlando Sanford International, has announced it will opt out of using TSA workers to screen passengers, a move which threatens the highly unpopular federal agency’s role in other airports across the nation. “The president of the airport said Tuesday that he would apply again to use private operators to screen passengers, using federal standards and oversight,” reports the Miami Herald
Appearing at Orlando Sanford International yesterday, Mica said he had written to 200 airports advising them of the opportunity to op out of using TSA screeners.
Orlando Sanford is in the top 30 busiest airports in the world, with large numbers of takeoffs and landings.
The TSA has been keen to downplay the opportunity for airports to dispense with their screeners, fearing a mass exodus that could undermine the justification for the agency’s continued existence, especially given the fact that its reputation has been repeatedly savaged by a number of scandals.
The Boyne City Gazette reports: Three Southeast Michigan residents and the owner of Schafer's Dollar Mania store have been charged with felony counts of racketeering, conspiracy and food stamp fraud for their roles in an alleged $262,000 food stamp fraud operation in just one year in Detroit.
Flash Traffic reports: Joel C. Rosenberg,  the New York Times best-selling author of The Last Jihad wrote: A senior Iranian commander this week is calling for the destruction not just of Israel but of the United States of America, as well.  “As long as America exists, we will not rest,” said Brig. Gen. Mohammad Reza Naqdi, head of the Basij paramilitary force. “In revealing the  truth about America and the Zionists, we must raise public hate against the  despotic powers and create the environment for the destruction of America.” Such language is consistent with the Twelver eschatology held by the senior Iranian leadership that says Iran must seek to annihilate Israel (the "Little Satan" in their view) and the U.S. (which they call the "Great Satan") in order to hasten the coming of the Twelfth Imam and the establishment of a global Islamic kingdom or Caliphate.  [How's that talking to the enemies plan doing?]
Legal Insurrection’s William Jacobson connects the dots on the story most of the media missed: that the entire Limbaugh boycott was pure, undistilled Astroturf.
The secondary boycott of Rush Limbaugh advertisers is portrayed in the media as a reaction to a groundswell of public outrage.  In fact, the secondary boycott was initiated by and driven by Media Matters, which had a “Stop Limbaugh” campaign on the shelf waiting to be used, and was executed by Angelo Carusone, Director of Online Strategy for Media Matters.
Tucker Carlson recently reported that Media Matters representatives have weekly meetings with the White House, and the activist group is in close contact with the administration.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Obama's face on American Flag; Chris Matthews' religioushate speech; Maher's hate speech continues; John Wilkes Booth bobblehead dolls; Cameron given a barbeque grill by our President; US academics attend Occupy conference in Tehran; PC plan disarms American soldiers during Panetta speech; No budget, no pay?; Business owner harassed over flying the US flag; Food stamp recipients use benefites for illegal drugs, weapons, etc.; American for Disability Act's new mandate a boon to trial lawyers; PA goes for voter I.D.; American oil NOT scarce; Secure and Fair Elections in MI; Washington Post carries content paid for by Chinese government

Florida Political Press reports:
After a short stand off between a group of veterans and the head of the Lake County, FL Democrat Party, an American flag that had been altered to depict an image of Barack Obama in the space where the stars are normally located was taken down.
The Lake County Democratic Headquarters in Tavares has been flying two American flags outside their office. The first an American Flag and the second the altered flag.
flagobamaA veterans group arrived late this afternoon with the media in tow and demanded that the second flag be taken down.  Don Van Beck, executive director of the Veterans Memorial at Fountain Park asked that the altered flag be removed, explaining that it was in violation of federal flag code. He offered a POW/MIA flag to fly in its place.  [This flag hung there for several months before there were any complaints.]

[We dare not condemn Chris Matthews with his own words, but he just said on-air that the Republican are running three "cultists"!  He showed his religious bigotry with that one, calling Catholics and Mormons members of a cult, and reminds us of the agenda of the Progressives.....]
Newsbusters reports: HBO's Bill Maher on Tuesday took a disgusting cheap shot at Alabama and Mississippi voters.
With all eyes on Republican primaries in those states, Maher sent a message via Twitter saying, "Toothless Tuesday too tight to tally!"
This came just days after he and his Real Time panel mocked poor people in Mississippi.
Their behavior was even too offensive for Roseanne Barr who tweeted Tuesday, "I was really disheartened to see how Pelosi's daughter& Bill Maher portrayed southern americans-classism at its best by H'wood elitists."
Barr followed this up with, "southern folk are not all toothless idiots or racists, unlike what bill maher &pelosi's daughter want us to think."
You know what they say - when you've lost Roseanne Barr...
Read more:
NBC reports: Bobblehead dolls of the man who assassinated President Abraham Lincoln have been pulled from shelves at the Gettysburg National Military Park visitor’s center bookstore, The Associated Press reported.
The dolls of John Wilkes Booth wielding a handgun were taken off the market on Friday after a reporter for Hanover's The Evening Sun newspaper asked about them, officials said. [You can't make this stuff up!] 
Weekly Standard writes: On the occasion of the Official Visit, The President and Mrs. Obama gave the Prime Minister and Mrs. Cameron a one-of-a-kind Braten 1000 Series Grill hand made by Engelbrecht Grills and Cookers of Paxton, Illinois. Symbolizing the personal friendship between the President and Mrs. Obama and Prime Minister and Mrs. Cameron, the gift commemorates their May 2011 visit to 10 Downing Street where together they grilled and served food to American and British Armed Service Members.
An American classic, the wood and charcoal burning grill is customized with American and British friendship flags engraved into the utility shelf and a personalized plaque mounted on the exterior lid. 

 Pat Dollard (American documentary filmmaker) reports: U.S. academics participated in an Occupy Wall Street (OWS) conference held this month at Tehran University, in which, according to Iran’s Press TV, “university professors and scholars from around the world discussed various aspects of [the] Occupy Wall Street Movement” and “talked about the nature of the people that take part in the Wall Street movement, what effects it has had up to now, and its future.”
One academic, Prof. Alex Vitae of Brooklyn College, discussed the impact of OWS “locally and nationally” and pondered “whether or not this will have momentum that could have more far-reaching implications.” Prof. Heather Gautney of Fordham University noted that the Occupy movement is “entering more into social institutions, and trying to pressure politicians or pressure leadership” and said that she thought “that the movement is going to be incredibly active in pressuring politicians to start addressing issues of social inequality.” Both she and Vitae mentioned OWS’s possible impact on the upcoming U.S. presidential elections.
Prof. John Hammond of City University of New York spoke of the future, mentioning a “big movement planned in New York City, called Occupy the Corporations,” and demonstrations in Chicago in May where the G-8 summit is set to take place.
The Press TV correspondent concluded his report with the following statement: “At the end of the discussion, the speakers said that the Occupy Wall Street movement is just the tip of the iceberg, because a global movement is also on the way, which seeks to, and will, redesign the world order in favor of the 99% of the world.” [1]

CNN reports: Marines told to disarm before Panetta speech

U.S. Marines waiting for Defense Secretary Leon Panetta to speak at Camp Leatherneck in Afghanistan Wednesday were ordered to leave the room and place their weapons outside.
The request, relayed by Sgt. Maj. Brandon Hall, was unusual because it's not customary to disarm for a defense secretary visit, but the Marines did as they were told. About two dozen unarmed Afghan soldiers also were in attendance.
Gurganus later told reporters the decision had nothing to do with the weekend shooting, and said it was because the Afghan soldiers in attendance were unarmed and he did not want them treated differently than the Marines.
Personal Liberty reports: A bill gaining bipartisan support on and off of Capitol Hill sends a pretty clear message to Congress: Fail to do your job, and we aren’t going to pay you.
Representative Jim Cooper (D-Tenn.) and Senator Dean Heller (R-Nev.) introduced identical “No Budget, No Pay” bills in the House and Senate in December that are continuing to gain co-sponsors and endorsements. Cooper’s bill currently has the support of 34 Representatives equally divided by party and Heller’s has six co-sponsors in the Senate, only one of whom is a Democrat, according to The Washington Times.
If “No Budget, No Pay” became law, the stakes would be high for American legislators. In the past six decades, Congress has managed to pass a budget successfully only four times.
“If this body can’t find a way to do what we have been sent here to do by the American people, which is to cut spending and reduce our nation’s outrageous $15 trillion deficit, then we don’t deserve to get paid,”
Personal Liberty reports: In another of the ever-increasing incidences of regulation run amok throughout the Nation, a Georgia business owner is being harassed by officials in his hometown for proudly flying an American flag on his own property.
According to the Albany Herald, an Albany code officer told Tom Gieryic the standard-sized American flag flying on a pole outside of his automotive repair shop was in violation of the city’s signs ordinance. Gieryic’s troubles reportedly began when a group of retired Marines offered to hang a new flag from his pole. The businessman accepted the offer and left his business for lunch. When he returned, he was met by an irritated code enforcement officer who informed him that if he failed to remove the flag he would face fines.
The officer, who contended that the flag was on the city’s right of way, demanded the business owner’s license and informed him that he could face a $1,000-per-day fine and 60 days in jail for not removing the flag. She then wrote him a ticket.
Examiner reports: This week the United States Department of Agriculture's Inspector General, the agency’s in-house watchdog, disclosed in a report that many food-stamp recipients use their benefits to purchase items such as illegal drugs, weapons and other contraband from unscrupulous vendors.
In fact, according to USDA Inspector General Phyllis Fong, some trade food stamps for reduced amounts of cash.
While the Obama Administration promotes food stamps to a large number of unemployed or underemployed people, the food stamp assistance rolls are already higher than ever and with the enormous increase in recipients comes an increase in fraud and corruption that often accompanies an out-of-control government program, according to a non-profit Beltway watchdog organization[Fraud?  What fraud? We've been told there is no fraud.]
Washington Examiner reports: President Obama's Department of Justice -- led by Attorney General Eric Holder -- has found a new way to make the Americans with Disabilities Act pay off for Democratic trial lawyer campaign donors.
Since the ADA first became law in 1990, the DOJ has been issuing "guidelines" that businesses must follow to comply with a multitude of the nation's civil rights laws.
For example, if a restaurant bathroom has a light switch that is 52 inches above the floor, then that business is in compliance. But if the light switch is 53 inches above the floor, the restaurant owner is a civil rights violator subject to fines from the government and liable for civil damages from any disabled individual who ever used the bathroom.
The DOJ has been issuing a growing wave of such guidelines over the years, reaching an ever larger portion of business activities. In September 2010, the DOJ issued guidelines for "recreational facilities," including a new rule that all public access swimming pools must provide a lift capable of moving disabled patrons from their wheelchairs into the water.
Compliance with the rule requires pool owners to have a lift for each "water element" in their facility. So if your local community pool also has a spa, both the spa and the pool must be "accessible." But if you have two spas, don't worry, only one lift is required. [Just don't call the rise in your price to use the pool a new tax.  I'm sure some pools will simply have to close down, denying anyone the right to swim there.  The Law of Unintended Consequences strikes again!]  But the ADA also empowered citizens to sue businesses that are not in compliance with DOJ guidelines. The result will be a huge payday for enterprising trial lawyers everywhere. [NOW we get the picture!]
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette writes: State lawmakers gave their final approval today to a measure requiring voters to show photo identification at the polls Beginning with the fall general election, voters will be required to present a photo identification card issued by the state or federal government or by universities, nursing homes, counties or municipalities in Pennsylvania.

Scarce Oil? U.S. Has 60 Times More Than Obama Claims

 As a Precinct Delegate, I received the following from our MI Secretary of State, Ruth Johnson: As you know, we have made cleaning up Michigan's voter rolls a top priority as part of our SECURE and FAIR ELECTIONS (SAFE) initiative. In 2008, the non-partisan Pew Report found Michigan had an impossible 102.54 percent of eligible voters registered to vote. It's clear we must remove those who have died, moved out of state or are not U.S. citizens.

Toward that goal, the Michigan Secretary of State, for the first time ever, is participating in something informally called the Kansas Project (formally known as the Interstate Voter Registration Data Comparison).
What is this? Sixteen states have joined together to compare and cross-check voter registration records to identify voters currently registered in more than one state AND to make sure they aren't voting in the same election in more than one state. All told, more than 50 million voter registration records were compared. The best part? This is free - governments actually cooperating for the greater good at no cost to taxpayers.

Michigan just received initial results. Of Michigan's almost 7.2 million voter registration records, 164,837 duplicate voter registrations were found in participating states like Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi and Tennessee.
Free Beacon reports on the Washington Post: At issue is the Post’s China Watch publication, a print and online advertising supplement that purports to deliver the news about China. The site hosts numerous articles and feature pieces that portray the Chinese government—particularly its human rights record—in a glowing light.
“They need to address the proverbial elephant in the living room—why are you carrying a Communist government-sponsored publication?” asked Lois Boynton, a journalism professor at the University of North Carolina’s School of Journalism and Mass Communication.
“It raises some ethical issues for the Post,” said Boynton, who criticized China Watch for intentionally obfuscating its origins.
Readers go right through this section as if they’re moving through the hard news to the more in depth reporting, never realizing that they’re being inundated with Chinese government propaganda,” said Stephen Yates, a former national security adviser to Vice President Dick Cheney. “It doesn’t hit a person that they’ve arrived at an ad supplement filled with things that have passed Chinese Communist Party filters.”

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

INS docs and Kenyan birth docs go missing; Voter fraud easy in Vermont; We are Breitbart; Critical Race Theory; Presidential statements; Obamacare will cost double what was promised; FEMA denies funds to Illinois: IRS going after tax preparers; US indirectly subsidizing Syrian mass murder; Obama retaliates vs Texas; Bill Maher push-back; Natural-gas powered vehicles don't get funded; Biden, on being out of touch; Obama effigy burned in Afghanistan; Taliban threatens beheadings;

Minute Man PAC reports: The Cold Case Posse was assembled by Sheriff Joe after hundreds of constituents expressed the fear that Obama’s name was being put on the 2012 election ballot in Arizona using a fraudulent document. And as part of their investigation to debunk speculation that Obama was actually born in Kenya, they checked to determine whether a young mother arrived in the United States from Kenya shortly after Obama’s reported Aug. 4, 1961 date of birth. The only problem: THE RECORDS ARE MISSING.

Out of ten years’ records of the Immigration and Naturalization Service cards filled out by passengers arriving on international flights of the Untied States, only one week is missing from the National Archives in Washington, D.C., – the week of Barack Hussein Obama’s birth, and nobody seems to know where they went. The investigation report reads, “to date, investigators have not been able to locate the relevant airline passenger flight manifests for 1961.”

The National Archives has even confirmed the investigation’s report that not only are the INS records for those flights arriving in Hawaii during the week of Obama’s birth missing on the microfilm reels examined, the records are also missing in the primary database. And the evidence – or lack thereof – just keeps piling up. 
The Kenyan government even investigated the possibility of Obama’s birth in Kenya, but Nairobi officials were unable to find evidence Obama was born in Kenya – instead officials said the government had “information” that relevant birth records may have been removed or were otherwise missing…

Breitbart reports: James O’Keefe’s Project Veritas has released a new video exposing just how easy it is to commit voter fraud in Vermont.

The video, a sequel to O'Keefe's "Primary of the Living Dead" in New Hampshire, shows a Veritas agent entering various voting places around the state of Vermont, giving a different name each time. Each time, he is given a ballot without showing an ID, to his disbelief.
In the video, the agent repeatedly requests (but does not take) a Republican primary ballot. As he explained to "We wanted to remind viewers this is not a partisan issue. This is a situation wherein anyone -- Republican or Democrat -- can exploit the system." 
The new video follows in the wake of a highly-politicized media attack on Mr. O’Keefe after his exposure of voter fraud in New Hampshire. Those videos resulted in calls from the left for O’Keefe’s arrest. However, the videos soon resulted in the New Hampshire State Senate passing a new bill requiring voter ID.
O'Keefe's new video from Vermont could not be more timely, coming the day after the U.S. Department of Justice's civil rights division blocked a Texas photo ID requirement for voters--to the applause of the American Civil Liberties Union, which claimed that the law was “discriminatory” against “Latinos, African-Americans, elderly citizens, and others.”

Breitbart brings us the words of Gerald R. Molen, an Oscar-winning film producer whose credits include "Rain Man," "Minority Report," "Twister," "Schindler's List" and "Jurassic Park."

Yes, the sounds are there. We just don't listen. We only hear (or see) what we want. As the country gasps for clarity of purpose, we the people figure someone or something else will come along and fix the problems for us. I don't think so. The warning signs have been there for a long time. A very long time. It is my humble opinion that, during these turbulent times, we find ourselves in the dilemma of our lifetimes. As a country we have been either asleep or just too comfortable in our own cocoons to realize the depth of our plight.
An event took place in 2008 that changed the world we live in. It changed the face of America, it changed the direction of our moral values, it changed how we view the future and how we see ourselves as human beings and it changed the make up of our basic freedoms that we so irreverently tossed aside for entitlement freebies and empty promises by the engineers at the helm.
It's in our DNA. The sad part is we have to get to the point of losing everything before we stand tall and state unequivocally, "No more. Stop the madness. Stop it now!"
The event I speak of, of course, was the presidential election of 2008. We put a man in office, a man not really qualified to be a dog catcher, much less the most powerful man in the world. We refused to listen to what he was saying. We missed the first gasp of incredulity when he promised to transform America. Oh, we bought into the cliched slogans of "hope and change." We liked his smile, his ability to read from a teleprompter, his super-friendly demeanor and his charismatic oratorical skills. Yeah, we jumped in with both feet thinking the country would show the world we had found our mojo and racism was gone forever.
Once again, our ears failed us. Our eyes failed us. We failed to hear that horrific sucking sound of our falling into the vortex of calm voices pushing us ever so gently but with assured and deft platitudes, into the hell of our own making.
Or will we stand up to the forces of promises of easy living and more and more entitlements? It won't be easy, but it is necessary, or we won't live in the America we grew up in.
Yes, there is a price to pay for the greatness of America. Are we and will we stand up to the task and be willing to carry our portion of that burden? It is my fervent and continued prayer that we will find the resolve, the strength, the willingness and the love of country enough to make a difference.
[As for Andrew Breitbart:] We cannot allow his passing to be just a closing of another chapter in the fortunes of America. We must carry his part of the burden he was so willing to share for all of us.  [There is much more for those who wish to read the full article.]
Townhall reports: The full video was only found after Harvard Professor Charles Ogletree, an Obama campaign advisor, showed it in one of his classes. He proceeded to inform the audience that "we hid this throughout the 2008 campaign," but that he didn't care if people found out about it now.
So what's the relevance? The relevance is that Derrick Bell was a massive racial radical. He was the father of a fringe legal theory called the critical race theory, which states first that racial discrimination can never be eliminated; and second, that the constitutional and legal system is based on racism -- loaded with it -- and is therefore uncorrectable.
American Thinker writes: President Obama knows that every public statement he makes is recorded and lives forever on the internet.  That is cause for serious worry.  The best campaign ad to run against Obama is one that uses his own words -- and those of the officials he has empowered -- against him.  When it comes to high gasoline prices, this is a target-rich environment.
But there is a delicious irony in taking advantage of Obama's Obama Obsession.  He has been so busy bloviating over the last few years, so eager to display his omniscience when it comes to energy, that there is plenty of visual material to cull from the public domain that can and will be used against him as the campaign season rolls on, if the GOP has any brains.  Call it divine justice that the man who seemingly can never stop talking can be hoisted on his own petard.

Washington Examiner reports: President Obama's national health care law will cost $1.76 trillion over a decade, according to a new projection released today by the Congressional Budget Office, rather than the $940 billion forecast when it was signed into law.
Huffington Post reports: Illinois lawmakers spoke out this weekend after the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) denied disaster funding to an Illinois town that was devastated by a Feb. 29 tornado -- which also killed seven residents.
FEMA issued the ruling over the weekend, saying the damage did not constitute a federal disaster, the Chicago Tribune reports. An agency spokesman told the Tribune they determined that the communities could rebuild with assistance from state and local agencies, along with private insurance and volunteer groups.
Harrisburg was not the only town impacted by the decision. According to Sen. Mark Kirk (R-Ill.) and Sen. Dick Durbin's (D-Ill.) office, five Southern Illinois counties were badly damaged in the late February storm.
Illinois Gov. Pat Quinn said he was "extremely disappointed" in the FEMA decision, and plans to appeal it.
The National Weather Service listed the twister that hit Harrisburg as an EF4, the second-highest rating given to twisters based on damage, the Associated Press reports. Scientists said it was 200 yards wide with winds up to 170 mph. 
The announcement came after FEMA approved disaster funding to other Midwestern towns hit by the late February storm system. The same sort of tornado that hit Harrisburg -- an EF4 -- also struck six southern Indiana counties, which will receive federal funds. The federal government will also give money to seven counties of Kentucky affected by the same storm system.
"I want to know how this decision was reached and why," Gregg said. "Because frankly, I don't understand it."

Weekly Standard reports [One more Obama Job Destroying Bill]: Tomorrow, the Institute for Justice (IJ) will file a lawsuit against perhaps the most hated of all federal agencies—the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).
The suit challenges licensing requirements that the IRS introduced last year. Tax return preparers must take a test and obtain IRS permission—and pay fees to the bureaucracy—before they can continue to offer their services. As IJ attorney Dan Alban says in the below video, “Congress never gave the IRS the authority to license tax preparers, and the IRS can’t give itself that power.”
Occupational licensing requirements almost invariably hurt small businesses, to the benefit of the big ones. That’s certainly been the case in previous economic liberty suits IJ has fought, including burdensome licensing requirements for florists, hair-braiders, and casket-builders. 
Nearly 60 percent of individual returns are completed by paid preparers. Tax preparation is a $9 billion industry. Around 350,000 tax preparers—those not exempt from the new rules—will see the cost of doing business go up. They’ll either pass on those extra fees to their clients, or they’ll simply go out of business. Which might be exactly what the big guns in the tax business are hoping for.
Fox News reports: A bipartisan group of senators is calling on the Pentagon to stop doing business with a Russian arms exporter that is providing weapons to Syria.
In a letter to Defense Secretary Leon Panetta on Monday, the 17 Republicans and Democrats cited reports that the company, Rosoboronexport, has shipped weapons to Syria and recently signed a deal for 36 combat jets with President Bashar Assad's government.
Separately, the Defense Department is buying 21 helicopters for the Afghan military from Rosoboronexport. The lawmakers said this no-bid contract is worth $375 million.
The senators complained that U.S. tax dollars should not be "indirectly subsidizing the mass murder of Syrian civilians."
Family Research Council reports: Last Friday, the Obama administration proved that it's more than capable of cutting funds--in retaliation. As payback for Texas severing ties with Planned Parenthood, HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius promised to take out her anger on the state's low-income women. Starting this May, the government will phase out more than $30 million in health coverage for the most underprivileged people in the state--all because Texas wanted its citizens to have the benefit of unbiased care. The Obama administration decided to kill the funding for cancer, STD, and breast screenings because Gov. Rick Perry (R) dared to look beyond Planned Parenthood to providers who aren't under congressional investigation.
Now, Gov. Perry is left to scrounge through his budget to fill the 90% program void created by the administration's ideological blackmail. I was in a meeting with the Governor this weekend where he said he wouldn't allow the poor of Texas to be held hostage by HHS. Earlier, he vowed to fund the program: "We'll find the money," Gov. Perry said.

Politico reports: David Axelrod bails on Bill Maher 

On Thursday, The Daily Caller reported that the Alabama Democratic Party had scrubbed its website of an announcement for its upcoming fundraiser headlined by Maher.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The Human Events reports: Senate Tuesday killed legislation to spend billions of taxpayer dollars to encourage companies to use natural-gas powered vehicles. The legislation also would have benefited wealthy backers of the Democratic measure, including George Soros, T. Boone Pickens, and Kevin G. Douglas. 


Washington Examiner reports: Vice President Joe Biden addressed 87 wealthy Democrats last night attending a fundraiser at the home of Sen. John Kerry in Georgetown. As they dined on grass-fed New York strip steaks and white truffle mashed potatos underneath a outdoor tent, Biden criticized Republicans for being out of touch.

“These guys don’t have a sense of the average folks out there,” Biden said according to the pool report, “They don’t know what it means to be middle class.”
87 guests paid a minimum of $10,000-per-couple to attend the dinner.
MSNBC reports: Earlier Tuesday thousands of people took to the streets in eastern Afghanistan to protest the killings, burning an effigy of Obama and calling for the killer to be tried in Afghanistan.
Demonstrators in the city of Jalalabad chanted "Death to America -- Death to Obama" and blocked the main highway to Afghanistan's capital, Kabul, Britain's Daily Telegraph reported
Reuters reports: Suspected insurgents opened fire on Tuesday on senior Afghan investigators of the massacre of 16 civilians by a lone U.S. soldier, Afghan officials said, just hours after the Taliban threatened to behead American troops to avenge the killings.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Homeland Security can seize any internet domain; House attempting to prevent Obama's 80% cut in nuclear warheads; Pentagon refuse document request on Gitmo; Professor" Obama taught Bell's Critical Race Theory; Bell: Non-white racial supremecy is right"; Yasser Arafat deputy was on Obama's committee on Liby policy; Stimulus funds used to hire foreign workers; Building students' "sense of global citizenship" a priortiy; Looking for fraud in unemployment checks; Holder goes after Texas now; Obama faintly praises military; The leader of the free world; Comedy gold; Putting voter I.D. in perspective

Personal Liberty reports: The Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) died in Congress, but the Administration of President Barack Obama is showing it doesn’t need the legitimacy of law in its effort to take over the world. Now, through the Department of Homeland Security and Department of Justice, any Internet domain is subject to seizure at any time.
The U.S. government has a history of going after online gaming operations, whether they are located within the United States or offshore. But stepping into another country’s jurisdiction steps it up a notch.
Online gambling has nothing to do with Homeland Security. There are two reasons the Administration is doing this: Control of Internet content and money. Piracy is just the cover story the Administration uses.
Free Beacon reports: A senior House Republican leader of the Armed Services Committee filed legislation on Thursday that would limit nuclear warhead cuts under a treaty with Russia and prevent President Obama from cutting strategic nuclear forces by 80 percent.
Representative Mike Turner (R., Ohio), chairman of the strategic forces subcommittee, said in an interview that the legislation he authored was introduced in response to the failure by the president to follow through on promises two years ago to spend $8 billion to modernize aging U.S. strategic weapons and infrastructure.
The current budget request asked Congress for nearly $500 million less. Under provisions of the 2010 defense authorization law, the president agreed to spend $72.4 billion on nuclear weapons from 2014 to 2021.
The current U.S. strategic arsenal of 5,000 deployed warheads will be cut to 2,000 deployed warheads under the treaty, with 3,000 remaining in storage.
Russia currently has between 4,000 and 6,500 warheads. China has between 300 and 400 warheads, although Chinese secrecy has raised questions about whether Beijing has hundreds or even thousands of additional warheads.
The modernization-funding program was a precondition for many Senate Republicans who agreed to vote in favor of ratifying the New START arms treaty with Russia in December 2010. [Well, it's like Iran - we cannot trust that the bargain struck will be honored.]
Examiner reports: This week the head of the House of Representatives Committee on Homeland Security blasted the Pentagon's failure to comply with a request regarding documents related to the discovery of classified information in the prison cells of Guantanamo Bay military detention center inmates.
U.S. Rep. Peter T. King (R-NY), Chairman of the Homeland Security Committee, blasted Department of Defense (DoD) officials for their refusal to provide the identities of attorneys representing terrorist suspects in Gitmo who were involved with the terrorist attacks of 9/11.
In January 2012, former CIA officer John Kiriakou was charged with leaking classified information that, by way of detainees’ defense counsel, ended up in the cells of al-Qaeda detainees at Guantanamo, according to Rep. King.   
Continue reading on King blasts Pentagon over refusal to name Gitmo defense attorneys - National Law Enforcement |
Breitbart reports: In 1994, Barack Obama taught a course at the University of Chicago Law School entitled, "Current Issues in Racism and the Law." The reading list and syllabus for that class were made available by the New York Times in 2008, though there seems to have been little analysis of its content by Jodi Kantor, the Times’s Obama correspondent. 
Obama routinely assigned works by Bell as required reading, including Bell's racialist interpretations of seminal civil rights laws and cases. No other scholar’s work appears as often in the syllabus as Bell’s does.
Obama relied particularly heavily upon Bell’s major work, Race, Racism, and American Law (1973). Now in its sixth edition, the book lays out Bell’s Critical Race Theory, which is based on the Alinskyite presumption that all of law is a construct--not of justice, but of power exercised by whites against blacks.
The Right Scoop Great video picked up by the Breitbart crew in the vetting of Barack Obama. Sowell, in this video, describes how Bell didn’t just want Harvard to hire a black woman, but a black woman who didn’t “think white”. In other words, it was more about ideology than skin color.
As Dr. Melissa Clouthier explains on twitter, the idea of Critical Race Theory means “Merit-based is wrong. Color-blind is wrong. (Non-white) Racial supremacy is right.”
And this radical view is what Barack Obama decided to take a stand for at Harvard.
World Net Daily reports: A staunch denier of the Holocaust who long served as the deputy of late PLO leader Yasser Arafat served on the committee that invented the military doctrine used by President Obama as the main justification for U.S. and international airstrikes against Libya.
As WND first reported, billionaire philanthropist George Soros is a primary funder and key proponent of the Global Centre for Responsibility to Protect, the world’s leading organization pushing the military doctrine. Several of the doctrine’s main founders sit on multiple boards with Soros.

The Right Scoop reveals: Oops: Stimulus funds used to hire foreign workers over Americans in Oregon


  Gary Glenn (candidate for Debbie Stabenow's US Senate Seat said, at a recent gathering: A Michigan Local school district personnel pitched an upcoming millage vote. One of them said the district's primary focus is building students' sense of "global citizenship." Was surprised the guy was so open about that concept, which didn't go over very well among a group of conservatives who'd prefer the next generation develop a sense of duty to be good Americans. 
WTVBAM reports:  Michigan is one of only three states in the U.S. that have integrated a new program that looks for fraud and mistakes in the distribution of unemployment checks.  The federal government estimates that last year, a billion dollars was paid out improperly to residents.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Yahoo News reports: The Justice Department's civil rights division on Monday objected to a new photo ID requirement for voters in Texas because many Hispanic voters lack state-issued identification.
Texas follows South Carolina as the second state in recent months to become embroiled in a court battle with the Justice Department over new photo ID requirements for voters.
Photo ID laws have become a point of contention in the 2012 elections. Liberal groups have said the requirements are the product of Republican-controlled state governments and are aimed at disenfranchising people who tend to vote Democratic — African-Americans, Hispanics, people of low-income and college students.
Proponents of such legislation say the measures are aimed at combating voter fraud. But advocacy groups for minorities and the poor dispute that and argue there is no evidence of significant voter fraud. [This is a joke, as several times I week I bring to you evidence of yet another instance of voter fraud.  But disseminating the truth is not a priority.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Fox News reports: President Barack Obama is calling the alleged slaying of 16 Afghan civilians by a U.S. soldier "absolutely tragic and heartbreaking" and said that he is still "proud generally" of what U.S. troops have achieved in Afghanistan while working under "enormous strain." [Is this not what is called dam_ing with faint praise?  His tepid regard for the military always shows.  One wonders if the military is "generally" proud of their Commander in Chief.]
American Thinker opines on the speeches of Obama and Netanyahu: One of the speakers advocated waiting to act against Iran, waiting, in fact, to the point at which the threatened country would likely be past the point of self-defense. Waiting, in other words, until it is too late.
One of the speakers said that, as the leader of his nation, he would "never let my people live in the shadow of annihilation." He said "Never again will the Jewish people be powerless and supplicants for our fate and our very survival. Never again."
Two heads of state delivered speeches last week in Washington, D.C. They spoke from the same podium on consecutive days. The subject was the right of a sovereign nation to defend itself from a country run by radical Islamic fundamentalists that may soon possess nuclear weapons and has vowed to use them against its sworn enemy in order to eliminate it from the face of the earth.
One of the speakers was Barack Obama, president of the United States.
The other was Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu, leader of the free world.
Wall St. Journal writes: You have to marvel at Fonda, Morgan and Steinem's chutzpah in comparing Limbaugh to Goebbels and then, in the very next sentence, denouncing him for using a Nazi analogy. The technical term for this sort of thing is "comedy gold." 

The New York Post writes: For Attorney General Eric Holder, life must present a hellish vista of pervasive racist practices.
Wherever he goes, people are required to show identification. When cashing a check. When signing up for a library card. When boarding a plane. When entering certain office buildings. When checking into hotels. When (in the case of the youthful-looking) buying a beer or cigarettes, or entering a bar.
The tyranny of the photo ID is so all-encompassing that people can’t enter Holder’s own Justice Department without showing one.
Holder is outraged that in a nation where requests for photo ID are ubiquitous, more and more states are requiring that people show them when they vote.
Before his next speech, Holder should bone up on the Supreme Court’s 6-3 decision in 2008 upholding Indiana’s voter-ID law. The liberal Justice John Paul Stevens wrote the majority opinion. The court held that “there is no question about the legitimacy or importance of the state’s interest in counting only the votes of eligible voters,” and “we cannot conclude that the statute imposes ‘excessively burdensome requirements’ on any class of voters.”  Read more: