Wright, a controversial religious figure who served as Obama’s pastor for nearly 20 years, has thrown his support behind a movement called the Global March to Jerusalem, an anti-Israel protest movement that seeks “freedom for Jerusalem and its people and to put an end to the Apartheid, ethnic cleansing and Judaisation policies affecting the people, land and sanctity of Jerusalem.”
Like other efforts to illegally penetrate Israel’s sovereign territory, the activists seek to disrupt Israeli security and provoke a bloody conflict.
The White House has not commented on Wright’s endorsement. http://freebeacon.com/rev-wright-endorses-anti-israel-march-on-jerusalem/
The Hill reports: As many as 20 million Americans could lose their employer-provided coverage because of President Obama's healthcare reform law, the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office said in a new report Thursday. http://thehill.com/blogs/healthwatch/health-reform-implementation/216223-cbo-millions-of-americans-could-lose-their-employer-coverage
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CNS News reports: A conservative civil rights group has filed a first-of-its-kind federal lawsuit against the Department of Health and Human Services on behalf of a Missouri business owner who says the HHS contraceptive mandate violates his constitutionally-protected religious http://cnsnews.com/news/article/missouri-man-first-private-business-owner-sue-hhs-over-contraception-mandate
The Gateway Pundit reports: The United Nations Human Rights Council will investigate US voter ID laws. The issue was brought to the council by the NAACP. The UNHRC includes member states Cuba, China, Indonesia, Congo and Saudi Arabia.
Poor Richard’s News reported on this from FOX News:
The United Nations Human Rights Council is investigating the issue of American election laws at its gathering on minority rights in Geneva, Switzerland.. This, despite the fact that some members of the council have only in the past several years allowed women to vote, and one member, Saudi Arabia, still bars women from the voting booth completely. http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2012/03/un-human-rights-council-will-investigate-us-voter-id-laws/
Heritage.org reports: The American public doesn’t support Obamacare, and a new survey shows that doctors have an even worse opinion. No one has a better grasp on the state of the health care system than physicians, and according to the Doctors Company survey, 60 percent of them believe that Obamacare will have a negative impact on overall patient care. This survey is consistent with the findings of another doctor survey taken in October 2010, which also showed doctors’ lack of confidence in Obamacare.
Not only do doctors believe that Obamacare will not improve the health care system, they also anticipate that it will worsen the current condition. According to the survey, nine out of 10 physicians are unwilling to recommend health care as a profession to a family member, and one primary care physician even commented, “I would not recommend becoming an M.D. to anyone.” [Well that ought to help in our possible need to insure 30 million more people! There is the Law of Unintended Consequences once again.] http://blog.heritage.org/2012/03/14/side-effects-doctors-fear-obamacare/
The New American writes: The controversial “individual mandate” in the ObamaCare health diktat, which requires Americans to buy health insurance or face a hefty fine, also requires something else: The insured party, thanks to a finalized version of the mandate, must pay a $1 premium to fund abortions. [I'm sure that Michigan's former Representative Bart Stupak, who refused to meet with me and other constituents who went to D.C. from all over America the week of the vote is simply shocked that this could be so! He was promised, don't you know.] http://thenewamerican.com/usnews/constitution/11181-obama-law-requires-1-abortion-subsidy-from-every-insured-american
Grassfire reports: The official White House web site is hosting a petition calling for Rush Limbaugh's radio show to be banned from Armed Forces Radio -- the radio network that reaches America's military worldwide. The petition claims "a moral objection to our tax dollars being used for such a purpose." This is part of the Left's attack campaign against conservatives. They want to censor the only conservative voice on the AFR weekday lineup which includes liberal activst Ed Schultz. [It is chilling to see our very White House attempting to "punish" any American for words protected by our right to free speech. Now it is Rush, tomorrow who knows?] http://www.grassfire.com/
Commentary Magazine adds: Legal Insurrection’s William Jacobson connects the dots on the story most of the media missed: that the entire Limbaugh boycott was pure, undistilled Astroturf.
The secondary boycott of Rush Limbaugh advertisers is portrayed in the media as a reaction to a groundswell of public outrage. In fact, the secondary boycott was initiated by and driven by Media Matters, which had a “Stop Limbaugh” campaign on the shelf waiting to be used, and was executed by Angelo Carusone, Director of Online Strategy for Media Matters.Tucker Carlson recently reported that Media Matters representatives have weekly meetings with the White House, and the activist group is in close contact with the administration. http://www.commentarymagazine.com/2012/03/15/anti-rush-campaign/
Appearing at Orlando Sanford International yesterday, Mica said he had written to 200 airports advising them of the opportunity to op out of using TSA screeners.
Orlando Sanford is in the top 30 busiest airports in the world, with large numbers of takeoffs and landings.
The TSA has been keen to downplay the opportunity for airports to dispense with their screeners, fearing a mass exodus that could undermine the justification for the agency’s continued existence, especially given the fact that its reputation has been repeatedly savaged by a number of scandals. http://www.infowars.com/major-us-airport-to-evict-tsa-screeners/
The Boyne City Gazette reports: Three Southeast Michigan residents and the owner of Schafer's Dollar Mania store have been charged with felony counts of racketeering, conspiracy and food stamp fraud for their roles in an alleged $262,000 food stamp fraud operation in just one year in Detroit.
Flash Traffic reports: Joel C. Rosenberg, the New York Times best-selling author of The Last Jihad wrote: A senior Iranian commander this week is calling for the destruction not just of Israel but of the United States of America, as well. “As long as America exists, we will not rest,” said Brig. Gen. Mohammad Reza Naqdi, head of the Basij paramilitary force. “In revealing the truth about America and the Zionists, we must raise public hate against the despotic powers and create the environment for the destruction of America.” Such language is consistent with the Twelver eschatology held by the senior Iranian leadership that says Iran must seek to annihilate Israel (the "Little Satan" in their view) and the U.S. (which they call the "Great Satan") in order to hasten the coming of the Twelfth Imam and the establishment of a global Islamic kingdom or Caliphate. [How's that talking to the enemies plan doing?] http://flashtrafficblog.wordpress.com/2012/03/15/iranian-commander-says-we-must-destroy-america-obama-warns-tehran-to-cut-deal-or-face-the-consequences/
Legal Insurrection’s William Jacobson connects the dots on the story most of the media missed: that the entire Limbaugh boycott was pure, undistilled Astroturf.
The Boyne City Gazette reports: Three Southeast Michigan residents and the owner of Schafer's Dollar Mania store have been charged with felony counts of racketeering, conspiracy and food stamp fraud for their roles in an alleged $262,000 food stamp fraud operation in just one year in Detroit.
Flash Traffic reports: Joel C. Rosenberg, the New York Times best-selling author of The Last Jihad wrote: A senior Iranian commander this week is calling for the destruction not just of Israel but of the United States of America, as well. “As long as America exists, we will not rest,” said Brig. Gen. Mohammad Reza Naqdi, head of the Basij paramilitary force. “In revealing the truth about America and the Zionists, we must raise public hate against the despotic powers and create the environment for the destruction of America.” Such language is consistent with the Twelver eschatology held by the senior Iranian leadership that says Iran must seek to annihilate Israel (the "Little Satan" in their view) and the U.S. (which they call the "Great Satan") in order to hasten the coming of the Twelfth Imam and the establishment of a global Islamic kingdom or Caliphate. [How's that talking to the enemies plan doing?] http://flashtrafficblog.wordpress.com/2012/03/15/iranian-commander-says-we-must-destroy-america-obama-warns-tehran-to-cut-deal-or-face-the-consequences/
Legal Insurrection’s William Jacobson connects the dots on the story most of the media missed: that the entire Limbaugh boycott was pure, undistilled Astroturf.
The secondary boycott of Rush Limbaugh advertisers is portrayed in the media as a reaction to a groundswell of public outrage. In fact, the secondary boycott was initiated by and driven by Media Matters, which had a “Stop Limbaugh” campaign on the shelf waiting to be used, and was executed by Angelo Carusone, Director of Online Strategy for Media Matters.Tucker Carlson recently reported that Media Matters representatives have weekly meetings with the White House, and the activist group is in close contact with the administration. http://www.commentarymagazine.com/2012/03/15/anti-rush-campaign/
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