Friday, August 19, 2011

Most deportation proceedings halted by Obama; Flas mobs mostly Afro-American; Anti-American Obama; Obama's quotes; Union retirees enlisted for electronic picketing of Verizon to "stop them from doing business"; Justice Dept. and Fast and Furious

The Washington Times writes: Bowing to pressure from immigrant rights activists, the Obama administration said Thursday that it will halt deportation proceedings on a case-by-case basis against illegal immigrants who meet certain criteria, such as attending school, having family in the military or having primary responsible for other family members’ care.
The move marks a major step for President Obama, who for months has said he does not have broad categorical authority to halt deportations and said he must follow the laws as Congress has written them.
But in letters to Congress on Thursday, Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano said she does have discretion to focus on “priorities” and that her department and the Justice Department will review all ongoing cases to see who meets the new criteria.
“This case-by-case approach will enhance public safety,” she said. “Immigration judges will be able to more swiftly adjudicate high-priority cases, such as those involving convicted felons.”
CNN reports: This week in Germantown, Maryland, it took less than a minute for a flash mob of teenagers to descend on a 7-Eleven, ransack shelves and make off with hundreds of dollars worth of stuff.
It's going to take much longer for police in Montgomery County to figure out how to prevent it from happening again.
"We had always thought flash mobs happen in big cities. We are unprepared. We don't have anyone who has social-media expertise," said county police spokeswoman Janelle Smith. "Even if we did, our budget looks like every other law enforcement agency in the country. It's not pretty." [Missing in this entire article is the fact that it is a group of African-American teens who are doing this.  Only if one watches the video does that person know the race of the perps.]
American Thinker opines: Every American must judge Obama and his ideas and understand he does mean what he says, and realize there is no excuse, save one -- Barack Obama is an anti-American in thought and deed.
Obama gets dreams from his socialist father.  His mother was a fellow traveler.  Obama lived in anti-American Indonesia as a child.  Later, granddad decided Obama needed a Communist mentor.  O got into Harvard on the recommendation of anti-Semitic Khalid al Mansour, an adviser to Saudi Prince Al-Waleed bin Talal.  In college O chose his friends carefully -- "the more politically active black students, foreign students, Chicanos, Marxist professors and structural feminists."  As a professor he taught Marxist Saul Alinsky tactics, and as a constitutional scholar he believed that there are fundamental flaws in the Constitution, such as restraint on governmental power.  As a community organizer and counsel he pushed sub-prime mortgages which helped buckle our economy.
He's a trench-mate with voter-fraudsters ACORN and quasi-commie SEIU.  He had house parties and sat on boards with an unrepentant, revolutionary communist, who probably ghostwrote one of O's autobiographies.  He attended the social-justice church of Jeremiah Wright, where he was preached at on collective salvation and black liberation.  Illinois state senator and communism-lover Alice Palmer, picked O as her chief of staff.   As a U.S. senator, he had the most leftist voting record.  His wife's only source of American pride came in her 40s as a result of O's own success.  He was endorsed by the Communist Party in 2004, and in 2008 Obama got CPUSA's endorsement again, basically running on the CPUSA platform.  (And yes, CPUSA have endorsed him again for 2012!)  [I know, I know - this sounds so radical, but they are nothing new for readers of this news service.  Please go to this link to see a listing of many of his statements, which will add power to these words of Boyd Richard Boyd.]
And more from the same article: As president he's appointed the following foxes as hen house guards:
  • A former SEIU member who kind of agrees with manufacturing czar.              
  • A former commissioner of Socialist International, eco-profiteer, and CAP board global warming czar.
  • An ACORN defender and Obama's private ethics and transparency czar.
  • A revolutionary green jobs czar.                              
  • A power-lusting control freak longing to delimit regulatory czar.
  • An anti-capitalist Chicken Little peddling junk science czar.
  • A man who thinks terrorists represent the legitimate needs and grievances of ordinary counter-terrorism czar.
  • An anti-Israel "poverty breeds terrorism" U.S. ambassador to the U.N.
  • A woman who believes that Congress can abridge free speech and another who thinks the court of appeals is where policy is Supreme Court justices.
  • An SEIU VP, activist for the Working Families Party, and political director for Bertha Lewis, the head of ACORN's New York director of the office of public affairs to help push the president's agenda.
  • A man who gives guns to drug cartels while allowing them to smuggle drugs in, who refuses to protect our borders while litigating any state which tries to defend its own as and turns a blind eye to voter attorney general.
  • A woman worried about white right-wing extremists while she has Grandma groped at the homeland security chief.
  • A woman who proposes that the U.S. has the right to protect "Palestine" from a foreign policy adviser.
SEIU president and Marxist Andy Stern and the AFL-CIO's Dick Trumka have been frequent visitors to the White House.

The Washington Times writes: Reading from prepared scripts and calling at predesignated times, retirees of the Communications Workers of America (CWA) are the newest recruits in the union’s strike against Verizon Communications, asked to flood service centers with complaints and questions to - in the words of one leader - “tie them up.”
The scripted calls are going to fiber-solution outlets, repair shops, maintenance and testing centers, and fiber-optic and digital subscriber line (DSL) centers to “keep them busy,” said Pat Welsh, president of the CWA Retired Members Council for District 1, which covers New York, New Jersey and New England. He described the calls as “electronic picketing” whose purpose is to “stop them from doing business.”

Expose Obama writes: New details about Operation Fast and Furious cast doubt on the ability of the Justice Department’s Office of Inspector General to conduct an “independent” and fair investigation,congressional Republican investigators say.
The information comes via a letter Sen. Chuck Grassley and Rep. Darrell Issa sent to Attorney General Eric Holder on Tuesday. In it,they question a request from Holder for a transcript from a meeting they held in secret on July 4th with Ken Melson, acting director of the Bureau of Alcohol,Tobacco,Firearms and Explosives.
Holder apparently told Issa and Grassley he was requesting the transcript for the DOJ and for the Office of the Inspector General — the entity that’s supposed to be distinct enough from Holder’s office to conduct a fair Operation Fast and Furious investigation.
Holder and other DOJ officials have repeatedly said the DOJ’s Inspector General is conducting its own internal investigation into what went wrong with Fast and Furious. Even so,Holder’s latest request on behalf of the OIG sparks skepticism from investigators in Congress.

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