Monday, January 30, 2012

The untruths of Obama; Bailed-out companies owe us $139 billion; MRSA in raw pork; US plummets in press freedom list; Reuters had to admit lies about Rubio; Magazine calls for violent protests by Occupy at G8 Summit; Holder knew about Fast and Furious; Obama "terrified" of his Deficit-Cutting Commission; St. Louis parade honors Iraq War vets; UK sees welfare as toxic subject; Obama's "fairness" is Bible's "envy"

The UK Telegraph writes: How I woke up to the untruths of Barack Obama

When I happened to wake up in the middle of the night last Wednesday and caught the BBC World Service’s live relay of President Obama’s State of the Union address to Congress, two passages had me rubbing my eyes in disbelief. 

I recalled a piece I wrote in this column on January 29, 2009, just after Obama took office. It was headlined: “This is the sub-prime house that Barack Obama built”. As a rising young Chicago politician in 1995, no one campaigned more actively than Mr Obama for an amendment to the US Community Reinvestment Act, legally requiring banks to lend huge sums to millions of poor, mainly black Americans, guaranteed by the two giant mortgage associations, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.
It was this Act, above all, which let the US housing bubble blow up, far beyond the point where it was obvious that hundreds of thousands of homeowners would be likely to default. Yet, in 2005, no one more actively opposed moves to halt these reckless guarantees than Senator Obama, who received more donations from Fannie Mae than any other US politician (although Senator Hillary Clinton ran him close).
A few months after Obama entered the White House, I suggested here that the slogan on which he was elected – “Yes we can” – seemed to have changed to “No we can’t”. It was already obvious that, having won election as an ideal Hollywood version of what “the first black President” should look and sound like, he was in reality no more than a vacuum. His speech last week was as weaselly as any politician’s performance could be, not least in its references to the sub-prime scandal.
Personal Liberty reports: According to a government watchdog, American taxpayers are still owed $132.9 billion from companies that have yet to pay after receiving Federal money for a bailout. The Associated Press reported that some of this will never be received.
The bailout that was launched at the height of the financial crisis in September 2008 will continue to exist for years, noted a report issued by Christy Romero, the acting special inspector general for the $700 billion bailout.
The AP reported that some bailout programs, such as the effort to help homeowners avoid foreclosure through lowered mortgage payments, may last until 2017. This would cost the government an estimated additional $51 billion.
Personal Liberty reports: The study, published in the online science journal PloS ONE, represents the largest sampling of raw meat products for MRSA contamination to date in the United States. The researchers collected 395 raw pork samples from 36 stores in Iowa, Minnesota and New Jersey. About 7 percent were contaminated with MRSA.
“This study shows that the meat we buy in our grocery stores has a higher prevalence of staph than we originally thought,” says lead study author Tara Smith, Ph.D. “With this knowledge, we can start to recommend safer ways to handle raw meat products to make it safer for the consumer.”
The researchers say the deadly bacteria likely contaminates the meat in processing plants and found no difference between conventional pork products and those raised without antibiotics or drugs and hormones that promote growth.
UK Daily Mail reports: Sweeping protests around the world made it an extremely difficult year for the media, and tested journalists as never before, the annual report into press freedom reveals.

The annual report by Reporters Without Borders has been released, showing the United States fell 27 points on the list due to the many arrests of journalists covering Occupy Wall Street protests.

The slide in the United States places it just behind Comoros and Taiwan in a group with Argentina and Romania.
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Weekly Standard writes: after Daily Caller blogger Matt Lewis eviscerated a harsh Reuters story on Florida senator Marco Rubio, the wire service was forced to make five corrections.
Now Reuters is attempting damage control and conceding the story is regrettable:
One senior staffer at Reuters described the episode to me as a "fiasco," another as a "disgrace."
Adbusters, the radical, Vancouver-based anti-consumerist magazine, credited by many media outlets for launching the Occupy Wall Street protests, has put out an ad calling for 50,000 protestors to “Occupy” the G8 summit in May. And they are not calling for peaceful protest.
The Adbusters ad shows a picture of policemen beating up a defenseless protestor, and comes with the caption: “In the Tradition of the Chicago 8.”  The Chicago 8 were radicals who incited riots in Chicago during the 1968 Democratic convention. The 1968 convention unrest became so legendary that the band Crosby, Stills, Nash (and Young) wrote a song about it called “Chicago.” The “tradition” of the Chicago 8 included calling for displays of public fornication and attacking police.
Attorney General Eric Holder’s Department of Justice dumped documents related to Operation Fast and Furious on congressional officials late Friday night. Central to this document dump is a series of emails showing Holder was informed of slain Border Patrol agent Brian Terry’s murder on the day it happened – December 15, 2010 – and that he was informed the weapons used to kill Terry were from Fast and Furious on the same day.  Wilkinson responded to Burke shortly thereafter and said the incident was “tragic.” “I’ve alerted the AG [Holder], the Acting DAG, Lisa, etc.”
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President Barack Obama “walked away” from his bipartisan U.S. deficit-cutting commission’s plan “because he knew he’d be torn to bits,” said former Republican Senator Alan Simpson, who was co-chairman of the panel.
Obama is “terrified” of the deficit issue, Simpson said in an interview on Bloomberg Television’s “Political Capital with Al Hunt,” airing this weekend. “He didn’t deal with it” in his annual State of the Union address to Congress on Jan. 24.
The AP reports: Looking around at the tens of thousands of people waving American flags and cheering, Army Maj. Rich Radford was moved that so many braved a cold January wind Saturday in St. Louis to honor people like him: Iraq War veterans.
The parade, borne out of a simple conversation between two St. Louis friends a month ago, was the nation's first big welcome-home for veterans of the war since the last troops were withdrawn from Iraq in December. Mayor Bloomberg has denied a parade in NYC]
The UK Daily Mail opines and warns us: This week’s row about welfare reform threw up several shocking facts. First, the £26,000-per-household cap on benefits that the Government seeks to impose is equivalent to a £35,000 pre–tax salary of someone in work.  
To say that welfare is a perennially toxic subject is one of the great political understatements of our times.
The truth is that, as a country, we have lost sight of the importance of every citizen striving to contribute to society, however modestly, as opposed to making a claim upon it.
As a result, perversely, those who won’t contribute are treated the same as those who do. This injustice means that they are given the right to live handsomely off the labour of the rest of us.
To sustain this grotesque state of affairs, which is an abnegation of society’s most fundamental values, would be unacceptable even in times of plenty. But in a time of economic crisis, it is simply outrageous.
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Obama Calls It Fairness. The GOP Calls It Class Warfare. Scripture Calls It Envy


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