You cannot help the poor by destroying the rich.
You cannot strengthen the weak by weakening the strong.
You cannot bring about prosperity by discouraging thrift.
You cannot lift the wage earner up by pulling the wage payer down.
You cannot further the brotherhood of man by inciting class hatred.
You cannot build character and courage by taking away people's initiative and independence.
You cannot help people permanently by doing for them, what they could and should do for themselves.
You cannot strengthen the weak by weakening the strong.
You cannot bring about prosperity by discouraging thrift.
You cannot lift the wage earner up by pulling the wage payer down.
You cannot further the brotherhood of man by inciting class hatred.
You cannot build character and courage by taking away people's initiative and independence.
You cannot help people permanently by doing for them, what they could and should do for themselves.
In February, President Obama signed a new Executive Order. Although 88% of construction workers in America are NOT in a union, it requires contractors to sign union-only project labor agreements (PLAs) as a condition of performing work on federal and federally funded construction projects.The union workers are certainly getting their money's worth from this administration, and private enterprise is getting the short shrift. The Card Check bill is the only step left, which mandates that workers must vote for or against unionization in public, not with a private ballot. Andy Stern, the most frequent visitor to the White House and the retiring President of SEIU must be so proud to be Obama's friend....
From the NYT: With the 15th anniversary of the Oklahoma City bombing approaching, former President Bill Clinton last week drew parallels between the anti-government tone that preceded that devastating attack and the political tumult of today, saying government critics must be mindful that angry words can stir violent actions. Mr. Clinton, who was in his first term at the time of the bombing, warned that attempts to incite opposition by demonizing the government can provoke responses beyond what political figures intend. “There can be real consequences when what you say animates people who do things you would never do"
My response to this is that our government should remember the Constitution and remember that they are our servants, not our dictators. If they actually govern in reasonable ways, the public would have no need to be so reactive. The Administration is now working full tilt on Cap and Tax, Amnesty for Illegals, and anything else they can pass before they lose the November elections. The fact that Obama has quadrupled the deficit in just one year, and the result will most likely be a VAT tax on top of all our other taxes, gives us reason to proclaim, as did a screaming Hillary Clinton during the last administration, "I'm sick and tired of people who say that if you debate and disagree with this administration, somehow you're not patriotic. We need to stand up and say we're Americans, and we have the right to debate and disagree with any administration."
President Clinton said about political disagreement: "You can attack the politics. Criticize their policies. Don’t demonize them, and don’t say things that will encourage violent opposition.” Mr. Clinton called America a nation born out of protests, and said that he had no interest in reducing productive civic dialogue. Now that's a good thing. We shall plead for a non-violent change in our government this November.
I would like to ask President Clinton if he was equally worried when Democrats to this day try to say that in spite of 3 or 4 recounts in Florida, George Bush was not a legitimate President. Did he have a press conference or speech in which he decried the book and movie about President George Bush's death? I know, you probably think I'm making this up. However, here it is described:
Bush's Assassination, a novella by Alien Cultist, was published in 2004 by Fiction Press and was listed as Fiction: Adventure/Parody:
Or what about Harry Reid's proclamation that Bush was a liar? Has he complained that from the very start, our government has repeatedly reported that Tea Party goers might be terrorists - or that we are dumb or racist or homophobic? No, I didn't think so.
On NBC News last night a black man attending a Tea Party was asked by the reporter if he didn't feel rather lonely there. His answer: "No - these are my people. They are Americans."
By the way, President Clinton, I imagine that what might have incited Timothy McVeigh 15 years ago were the debacles of your Administration, a show of awesome federal power over people: Waco, Ruby Ridge, and Elian Gonzalez......and it was a far left loon who went over the edge. Keep in mind that conservatives like to keep things non-violent. It was President Obama himself who said, “If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun,” Obama said in Philadelphia last night. “Because from what I understand, folks in Philly like a good brawl. I’ve seen Eagles fans.” And yet Clinton finds Sarah Palin's pledge to "reload" as dangerous....
For those of you who don't remember, here's a bit of history about both events, each occurring during this
President Clinton's time in office:
The Wall Street Journal, June 30, 1995, p. A14.
Ruby Ridge: The Justice Report
By James Bovard
The 1992 confrontation between federal agents and the Randy Weaver family in Ruby Ridge, Idaho, has become one of the most controversial and widely discussed examples of the abuse of federal power. The Justice Department completed a 542-page investigation on the case last year but has not yet made the report public. However, the report was acquired by Legal Times newspaper, which this week placed the text on the Internet. The report reveals that federal officials may have acted worse than even some of their harshest critics imagined.
And who can forget Janet Reno, Attorney General to Clinton, and Elian Gonzalez? I do wonder if any of these government oversteps are noted in current history books. And we don't need to wonder if these actions might have upset some of those on the fringe. What President Clinton might have said is that government overreach is once again inflammatory - this time in a grassroots peaceful way.
Attorney general Janet Reno ordered the return of Elián to his father and set a deadline of April 13, 2000, but the Miami relatives defied the order. Negotiations continued for several days as the house was surrounded by protesters as well as police. The relatives insisted on guarantees that they could live with the child for several months and retain custody, and that Elián would not be returned to Cuba. Negotiations carried on throughout the night, but Reno stated that the relatives rejected all workable solutions. A Florida family court judge revoked Lázaro's temporary custody, clearing the way for Elián to be returned to his father's custody. On April 20, Reno made the decision to remove Elián González from the house and instructed law enforcement officials to determine the best time to obtain the boy. After being informed of the decision, Marisleysis said to a Justice Department community relations officer, "You think we just have cameras in the house? If people try to come in, they could be hurt."[12][13]
In the pre-dawn hours of April 22, pursuant to an order i issued by a federal magistrate, eight SWAT-equipped agents of the Border Patrol's elite BORTAC unit as part of an operation in which more than 130 INS personnel took part[14] approached the house; they knocked, and identified themselves. When no one responded from within, they entered the house. Pepper-spray and mace were employed against those outside the house who attempted to interfere. Nonetheless, a stool, rocks, and bottles were thrown at the agents.[15] In the confusion Armando Gutierrez called in Alan Diaz, of the Associated Press, to enter the house and entered a room with Elián, his great uncle's wife Angela Lázaro, her niece, the niece's young son, and Donato Dalrym ple (one of the fishermen who had rescued him from the ocean). They waited in the room listening to agents search the house. It was later falsely claimed by Marisleysis Gonzalez, that once they found the locked door to the room, agents kicked it down; however, photos taken by Alan Diaz prove that the door was intact and the damage to it, as well as damage that Marisleysis claimed was done to the room and to Elián's bed, had all been done after the INS agents had left, most likely by the residents of the house.[16]
I am deeply offended by this Administrations' attempts to diminish what is truly an American right - to peacefully assemble and to disagree with our government. Words like Obama's, Pelosi's and Clinton's will not quell our vigor to defend what is America's greatness! It is Obama's friend William Ayers (who actually bombed buildings in rebellion against government) whom President Clinton should have referenced, perhaps.
Following is what I wrote to the local newspaper. I am surprised they printed it.
We deserve to hear the truth. The people who attend Tea Party functions are not violent – they are trying to get their words heard by a Congress who doesn’t seem to care what they think. Many are taking a peaceful, energetic stand for the first time in their lives. The reason there is such high “rage” against this health care bill is that this law was passed by flaunting the precedents set by Social Security with yeas and nays of both houses at 449 to 39, and Medicare passage with yeas and nays of 377-130. Whenever Congress forces onto us a bill of this magnitude with absolutely no bi-partisanship, the Founding Fathers are being ignored and the citizens are entitled to be outraged – and energized.
Democrats will make fun of us, marginalize us, demonize us, ignore us, and underestimate us - at their own peril - come November. We are not giving up because they want us to, or because they threaten us in various ways to quell our influence. For there is nothing so powerful as the Silent Majority finally deciding they've had enough!
Please! We now have less than 7 months to make a difference. I truly believe that this is our last best time to right what is wrong with government, to prevent a VAT tax, to defund or repeal the healthcare bill, to stave off Cap and Tax, amnesty for illegals (along with their always democrat votes), and perhaps even the government take-over of our (401)Ks (yes, that is now being considered). It is time for most Americans to once again be engaged by paying at least a small income tax (currently only less than 50% actually pay taxes, with some getting money because they don't pay taxes). Please send my blogs on to your email lists. You are MY group of possible influence. Please consider developing your own group by informing your contacts of the truth. With apologies to my family for not having as much time with them til November - I am redoubling my efforts. What can you do?
In February, President Obama signed a new Executive Order. Although 88% of construction workers in America are NOT in a union, it requires contractors to sign union-only project labor agreements (PLAs) as a condition of performing work on federal and federally funded construction projects.The union workers are certainly getting their money's worth from this administration, and private enterprise is getting the short shrift. The Card Check bill is the only step left, which mandates that workers must vote for or against unionization in public, not with a private ballot. Andy Stern, the most frequent visitor to the White House and the retiring President of SEIU must be so proud to be Obama's friend....
From the NYT: With the 15th anniversary of the Oklahoma City bombing approaching, former President Bill Clinton last week drew parallels between the anti-government tone that preceded that devastating attack and the political tumult of today, saying government critics must be mindful that angry words can stir violent actions. Mr. Clinton, who was in his first term at the time of the bombing, warned that attempts to incite opposition by demonizing the government can provoke responses beyond what political figures intend. “There can be real consequences when what you say animates people who do things you would never do"
My response to this is that our government should remember the Constitution and remember that they are our servants, not our dictators. If they actually govern in reasonable ways, the public would have no need to be so reactive. The Administration is now working full tilt on Cap and Tax, Amnesty for Illegals, and anything else they can pass before they lose the November elections. The fact that Obama has quadrupled the deficit in just one year, and the result will most likely be a VAT tax on top of all our other taxes, gives us reason to proclaim, as did a screaming Hillary Clinton during the last administration, "I'm sick and tired of people who say that if you debate and disagree with this administration, somehow you're not patriotic. We need to stand up and say we're Americans, and we have the right to debate and disagree with any administration."
President Clinton said about political disagreement: "You can attack the politics. Criticize their policies. Don’t demonize them, and don’t say things that will encourage violent opposition.” Mr. Clinton called America a nation born out of protests, and said that he had no interest in reducing productive civic dialogue. Now that's a good thing. We shall plead for a non-violent change in our government this November.
I would like to ask President Clinton if he was equally worried when Democrats to this day try to say that in spite of 3 or 4 recounts in Florida, George Bush was not a legitimate President. Did he have a press conference or speech in which he decried the book and movie about President George Bush's death? I know, you probably think I'm making this up. However, here it is described:
Bush's Assassination, a novella by Alien Cultist, was published in 2004 by Fiction Press and was listed as Fiction: Adventure/Parody:
I moved my aiming reticles back on Bush's head. Ugly little bugger. Then there was one click of the flashlight slowly, then a second, and a third, from which I then pulled the trigger. The noise of the shot was completely muffled by the crowd's applause for an idiot son of an asshole. Applause was quickly shifted to screams as the bullet rippled through his eye, and out the back of his head. He laid sprawled, and slightly twitching in his left leg, in his own pool of blood and brain tissue…."Pawn down," I smiled.I wonder if President Clinton thought this to be inflammatory?
Or what about Harry Reid's proclamation that Bush was a liar? Has he complained that from the very start, our government has repeatedly reported that Tea Party goers might be terrorists - or that we are dumb or racist or homophobic? No, I didn't think so.
On NBC News last night a black man attending a Tea Party was asked by the reporter if he didn't feel rather lonely there. His answer: "No - these are my people. They are Americans."
By the way, President Clinton, I imagine that what might have incited Timothy McVeigh 15 years ago were the debacles of your Administration, a show of awesome federal power over people: Waco, Ruby Ridge, and Elian Gonzalez......and it was a far left loon who went over the edge. Keep in mind that conservatives like to keep things non-violent. It was President Obama himself who said, “If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun,” Obama said in Philadelphia last night. “Because from what I understand, folks in Philly like a good brawl. I’ve seen Eagles fans.” And yet Clinton finds Sarah Palin's pledge to "reload" as dangerous....
For those of you who don't remember, here's a bit of history about both events, each occurring during this
President Clinton's time in office:
The Wall Street Journal, June 30, 1995, p. A14.
Ruby Ridge: The Justice Report
By James Bovard
The 1992 confrontation between federal agents and the Randy Weaver family in Ruby Ridge, Idaho, has become one of the most controversial and widely discussed examples of the abuse of federal power. The Justice Department completed a 542-page investigation on the case last year but has not yet made the report public. However, the report was acquired by Legal Times newspaper, which this week placed the text on the Internet. The report reveals that federal officials may have acted worse than even some of their harshest critics imagined.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Waco Siege[3] began on February 28, 1993, when the United States ATM attempted to execute a search warrant at the Branch Davidian ranch at Mount Carmel, a property located nine miles (14 km) east-northeast of Waco, Texas. An exchange of gunfire resulted in the deaths of four agents and six followers of David Koresh. A subsequent 51-day siege by the Federal Bureau of Investigation ended on April 19 when fire destroyed the compound. Seventy-six people (24 of them British nationals)[4] died in the fire, including more than 20 children, two pregnant women, and Koresh himself.
Before the raid, Rick Ross advised the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) that arresting Koresh at Mt. Carmel in the presence of his followers would likely provoke a violent response. Joyce Sparks, an investigator from the Texas agency responsible for child protective services also advised ATF against such action.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------And who can forget Janet Reno, Attorney General to Clinton, and Elian Gonzalez? I do wonder if any of these government oversteps are noted in current history books. And we don't need to wonder if these actions might have upset some of those on the fringe. What President Clinton might have said is that government overreach is once again inflammatory - this time in a grassroots peaceful way.
Attorney general Janet Reno ordered the return of Elián to his father and set a deadline of April 13, 2000, but the Miami relatives defied the order. Negotiations continued for several days as the house was surrounded by protesters as well as police. The relatives insisted on guarantees that they could live with the child for several months and retain custody, and that Elián would not be returned to Cuba. Negotiations carried on throughout the night, but Reno stated that the relatives rejected all workable solutions. A Florida family court judge revoked Lázaro's temporary custody, clearing the way for Elián to be returned to his father's custody. On April 20, Reno made the decision to remove Elián González from the house and instructed law enforcement officials to determine the best time to obtain the boy. After being informed of the decision, Marisleysis said to a Justice Department community relations officer, "You think we just have cameras in the house? If people try to come in, they could be hurt."[12][13]

I am deeply offended by this Administrations' attempts to diminish what is truly an American right - to peacefully assemble and to disagree with our government. Words like Obama's, Pelosi's and Clinton's will not quell our vigor to defend what is America's greatness! It is Obama's friend William Ayers (who actually bombed buildings in rebellion against government) whom President Clinton should have referenced, perhaps.
Following is what I wrote to the local newspaper. I am surprised they printed it.
We deserve to hear the truth. The people who attend Tea Party functions are not violent – they are trying to get their words heard by a Congress who doesn’t seem to care what they think. Many are taking a peaceful, energetic stand for the first time in their lives. The reason there is such high “rage” against this health care bill is that this law was passed by flaunting the precedents set by Social Security with yeas and nays of both houses at 449 to 39, and Medicare passage with yeas and nays of 377-130. Whenever Congress forces onto us a bill of this magnitude with absolutely no bi-partisanship, the Founding Fathers are being ignored and the citizens are entitled to be outraged – and energized.
Democrats will make fun of us, marginalize us, demonize us, ignore us, and underestimate us - at their own peril - come November. We are not giving up because they want us to, or because they threaten us in various ways to quell our influence. For there is nothing so powerful as the Silent Majority finally deciding they've had enough!
Please! We now have less than 7 months to make a difference. I truly believe that this is our last best time to right what is wrong with government, to prevent a VAT tax, to defund or repeal the healthcare bill, to stave off Cap and Tax, amnesty for illegals (along with their always democrat votes), and perhaps even the government take-over of our (401)Ks (yes, that is now being considered). It is time for most Americans to once again be engaged by paying at least a small income tax (currently only less than 50% actually pay taxes, with some getting money because they don't pay taxes). Please send my blogs on to your email lists. You are MY group of possible influence. Please consider developing your own group by informing your contacts of the truth. With apologies to my family for not having as much time with them til November - I am redoubling my efforts. What can you do?
Without a doubt, the very best blog I have read ! It is full of terrific comments, quotes and perspective on important issues...factual and insightful...Just great ! Thank you !