Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Doctor Terminated for Posting Viral Anti-Obamacare Rant on YouTube 

Dr. Barbara Bellar joins the ranks of the unemployed under President Obama, as she says she has now lost her job for posting a viral anti-Obamacare rant on YouTube. She told Fox News that there was virtually no reason for the hospital to deny her a new contract, so she believes the viral video in which she starred played a large part in the hospital’s decision.  [If you have not seen this amazing one long sentence description of Obamacare, PLEASE do so now.... http://www.ijreview.com/2012/11/22553-doctor-terminated-for-posting-viral-anti-obamacare-rant-on-youtube/


Precinct 93 in the Allen West Recount had 7 registered voters and 900 ballots cast!!!!

From CBS News:
West’s campaign, though, is calling for an emergency hearing over “concerns” raised during the recount process, including results showing that 900 votes were cast in precinct 93, where there are only seven voters registered.  http://www.theminorityreportblog.com/2012/11/18/allen-west-recount-update-7-registered-voters-and-900-ballots-cast-voter-fraud-alert/
I had written "The Anti-American President" here at American Thinker last September to dissuade conservatives of the notion Obama was having an accidental presidency -- with a failure rate chalked up to incompetence, inexperience, stupidity, and hubris. The truth is much more sinister. Obama's upbringing; his family, friends, mentors, associates; his words, actions, policies; his entire biography, all point to someone who is actively and aggressively opposed to individualism, capitalism, and liberty as a core philosophy. The Republicans should have plotted a long-term strategy beyond this election and attacked not only Obama but also Progressivism, practical or otherwise, at its roots.
By failing to expose Obama and the Progressives in general, the Republicans have left most Americans unaware that there is a war raging for the soul of the nation and left them believing it really is a choice of the lesser of two evils. http://www.americanthinker.com/2012/11/losing_the_battle_to_spin_the_war.html#ixzz2ClSHN9HJ
No one really expects MSNBC's coverage to put a positive spin on Republicans — but in the final week of the 2012 presidential campaign, the network's coverage toward presidential nominee Mitt Romney skewed entirely negative. http://www.businessinsider.com/msnbc-bias-romney-obama-liberal-news-media-2012-11#ixzz2ClVADMUu
 Obama's first term was littered with foreign policy gaffes, and there is every chance the second term will be more of the same. On his trip to Asia this week, President Obama struggled to pronounce the name of Aung San Suu Kyi, the most prominent human rights activist in the world. As The Associated Press reports (hat tip: Drudge Report).  Obama also “botched” his greeting of Burma’s new president, according to the AP.
It is rather embarrassing, as well as sad, that the leader of the free world can’t even pronounce the name of the most famous human rights activist on the planet. Or that he is so quick to appease Burma’s authoritarian regime by calling it “Myanmar”. Barack Obama’s gaffes demonstrate not only a marked lack of attention to detail and a high degree of amateurishness on the part of the White House, but also a disturbing willingness to curry favour with unsavoury regimes. Hardly a good omen for Obama’s second term. [What you cannot see here is the totally inappropriate way in which Obama greeted the high-powered women.  He clearly was trying to kiss the lips of one of them, and also had her sort of dipped over as she tried to get away from his firm embrace.  It is embarrassing if not disturbing.Friendly: Obama kisses Suu Kyi as he visited the country to encourage dramatic political reforms There was a picture of him directing himself toward her lips, before she turned her head away.
Affection: Obama kisses Aung San Suu Kyi at her residence - in another example of his hands-on diplomacy I think she is wishing he would just let her go....
Business: Obama, fourth from left, is in Cambodia for the ASEAN-U.S. leaders' meeting at the Peace Palace [As usual, Obama thinks he is one of the most interesting people in any given room, as he himself stated, and so he alone waves, just as he did at another meeting - our narcissist-in-chief.] http://blogs.telegraph.co.uk/news/nilegardiner/100190254/barack-obama-blunders-again-on-the-world-stage/



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